
Palestra em 16/mai: The Web: Wisdom of Crowds and a Long and Heavy Tail – Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Labs

Título: The Web: Wisdom of Crowds and a Long and Heavy Tail
Palestrante: Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Labs
Data e horário: 16/maio/2013 às 10:00
Local: 511 RDC


The Web continues to grow and evolve very fast, changing our daily lives. This activity represents the collaborative work of the millions of institutions and people that contribute content to the Web as well as more than two billion people that use it. In this ocean of hyperlinked data there is explicit and implicit information and knowledge. But how is the Web? Web data mining is the main task to answer this question. Web data comes in three main flavors: content (text, images, etc.), structure (hyperlinks) and usage (navigation, queries, etc.), implying different techniques such as text, graph or log mining. Each case reflects the wisdom of some group of people that can be used to make the Web better. For example, user generated tags in Web 2.0 sites. One important phenomenon of this wisdom is the long tail of the special interests of people. In this talk we cover all these concepts and give specific examples.