Bounding the Inefficiency of Length-Restricted Prefix Codes (bibtex)
by Eduardo Sany Laber, Ruy L. Milidiu
Bounding the Inefficiency of Length-Restricted Prefix Codes (Eduardo Sany Laber, Ruy L. Milidiu), In Algorithmica (New York. Internet), volume 31, 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Laber, Eduardo Sany
		and Milidiu, Ruy L.},
  title = 	{Bounding the Inefficiency of Length-Restricted Prefix Codes},
  journal = 	{Algorithmica (New York. Internet)},
  year = 	{2001},
  volume = 	{31},
  number = 	{4},
  pages = 	{513--529},
  issn = 	{14320541}
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