Three space-economical algorithms for calculating minimum-redundancy prefix codes (bibtex)
by Eduardo Sany Laber, Artur Alves Pessoa, RUY LUIZ MILIDIÚ
Three space-economical algorithms for calculating minimum-redundancy prefix codes (Eduardo Sany Laber, Artur Alves Pessoa, RUY LUIZ MILIDIÚ), In IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, volume 47, 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Laber, Eduardo Sany
		and Pessoa, Artur Alves
		and MILIDI{\'U}, RUY LUIZ},
  title = 	{Three space-economical algorithms for calculating minimum-redundancy prefix codes},
  journal = 	{IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
  year = 	{2001},
  volume = 	{47},
  number = 	{6},
  pages = 	{2185--2198},
  issn = 	{00189448}
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