A strategy for searching with different access costs (bibtex)
by Eduardo Sany Laber, Artur Alves Pessoa, Ruy Luiz Milidiu
A strategy for searching with different access costs (Eduardo Sany Laber, Artur Alves Pessoa, Ruy Luiz Milidiu), In Theoretical Computer Science, volume 287, 2002.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Laber, Eduardo Sany
		and Pessoa, Artur Alves
		and Milidiu, Ruy Luiz},
  title = 	{A strategy for searching with different access costs},
  journal = 	{Theoretical Computer Science},
  year = 	{2002},
  volume = 	{287},
  pages = 	{571--584},
  issn = 	{03043975}
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