Reducing human interactions in Web directory searches (bibtex)
by Ori Gerstel, Eduardo Sany Laber, Shay Kutten, Rachel Matichin, David Peleg, Artur Alves Pessoa, Criston Souza
Reducing human interactions in Web directory searches (Ori Gerstel, Eduardo Sany Laber, Shay Kutten, Rachel Matichin, David Peleg, Artur Alves Pessoa, Criston Souza), In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, volume 25, 2007.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Gerstel, Ori
		and Laber, Eduardo Sany
		and Kutten, Shay
		and Matichin, Rachel
		and Peleg, David
		and Pessoa, Artur Alves
		and Souza, Criston},
  title = 	{Reducing human interactions in Web directory searches},
  journal = 	{ACM Transactions on Information Systems},
  year = 	{2007},
  volume = 	{25},
  pages = 	{20--es},
  issn = 	{10468188}
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