Efficient implementation of Marching Cubes' cases with topological guarantees (bibtex)
by Thomas Maurice Lewiner, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes, Antônio Wilson Vieira, Geovan Tavares dos Santos
Efficient implementation of Marching Cubes' cases with topological guarantees (Thomas Maurice Lewiner, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes, Antônio Wilson Vieira, Geovan Tavares dos Santos), In Journal of Graphics Tools, volume 8, 2003.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Lewiner, Thomas Maurice
		and Lopes, Helio C{\^o}rtes Vieira
		and Vieira, Ant{\^o}nio Wilson
		and Santos, Geovan Tavares dos},
  title = 	{Efficient implementation of Marching Cubes' cases with topological guarantees},
  journal = 	{Journal of Graphics Tools},
  year = 	{2003},
  volume = 	{8},
  number = 	{2},
  pages = 	{1--15},
  issn = 	{10867651}
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