Role of arches in the generation of shear bands in a dense 3D granular system under shear (bibtex)
by Lucas Sigaud, Alex Laier Bordignon, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes, Thomas Maurice Lewiner, Geovan Tavares dos Santos, Welles A. M. Morgado
Role of arches in the generation of shear bands in a dense 3D granular system under shear (Lucas Sigaud, Alex Laier Bordignon, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes, Thomas Maurice Lewiner, Geovan Tavares dos Santos, Welles A. M. Morgado), In Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online), volume 246, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Sigaud, Lucas
		and Bordignon, Alex Laier
		and Lopes, Helio C{\^o}rtes Vieira
		and Lewiner, Thomas Maurice
		and Santos, Geovan Tavares dos
		and Morgado, Welles A. M.},
  title = 	{Role of arches in the generation of shear bands in a dense 3D granular system under shear},
  journal = 	{Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online)},
  year = 	{2010},
  volume = 	{246},
  pages = 	{012016},
  issn = 	{17426596}
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