A stratification approach for modeling two-dimensional cell complexes (bibtex)
by Sinésio Pesco, Geovan Tavares dos Santos, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes
A stratification approach for modeling two-dimensional cell complexes (Sinésio Pesco, Geovan Tavares dos Santos, Helio Côrtes Vieira Lopes), In Computers & Graphics, volume 28, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
  author = 	{Pesco, Sin{\'e}sio
		and Santos, Geovan Tavares dos
		and Lopes, Helio C{\^o}rtes Vieira},
  title = 	{A stratification approach for modeling two-dimensional cell complexes},
  journal = 	{Computers \& Graphics},
  year = 	{2004},
  volume = 	{28},
  number = 	{2},
  pages = 	{235--247},
  issn = 	{00978493}
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