Conference papers

An End-to-end Framework for 3D Capture and Human Digitization with a Single RGB Camera. L. Schirmer, D. Soares da Silva, L. Velho, H. Lopes, Eurographics 2020 (posters), 2020.

Investigating Multimodal Features for Video Recommendations at Globoplay.  F. Ferreira, D. R. Souza, I. Moreira, M. Barbieri, H. Lopes, 2020 ACM RecSys 2020 (Industrial Track), 2020.

Incorporating Dynamic Production Logging Data to the Permeability Estimation Workflow Using Machine Learning.  C. Guimarães, L. Schirmer, G. Schardong, A. Barreto Jr., H. Lopes, 2020 Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (LACPEC), 2020.

Brazilian Lyrics-Based Music Genre Classification Using a BLSTM Network, R. A. Lima, R. C. C. de Souza, S. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes, 19th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC), 2020.

Globo Face Stream: a system for video meta-data generation in an entertainment industry setting.  R. Pena, F. A. Ferreira, A. Caroli, L. Schirmer, H. Lopes, 21th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS, 2020. (BEST PAPER AWARD)

Using a domain ontology to bridge the gap between user intention and expression in natural language queries.  A. G. de Sousa, D. dos Santos Ribeiro, R. C. C. de Sousa, A. M. B. Rodrigues, P. H. T. Furtado, S. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes, 21th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS, 2020.

Exploring ontology-based information through the progressive disclosure of visual answers to related queries.  D. S. Ribeiro, A. G. de Sousa, R. B. de Almeida, P. H. T. Furtado, H. Lopes, S. D. J. Barbosa, 22ND International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - HCI, 2020.

Revisiting Visualization Task Taxonomies: Specifying Functions for the Data Transformations Stage.  A. M. B. RodriguesG. D. J. Barbosa, R. de A. Lima, D. J. F. Braga, H. Lopes, S. D. J. Barbosa, 22ND International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction - HCI, 2020.

Comparing the effectiveness of visualization of different data distributions.  A. M. B. Rodrigues, G. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes, S. D. J. Barbosa, XXXIII Symposium on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2019.

Portuguese POS Tagging Using BLSTM without Handcrafted Features.  Romulo C. Costa de Souza, H. Lopes, 24th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2019.

What can be found from student interaction logs of online courses offered in Brazil.  André Damasceno, C. Almeida, W. Fernandes,, H. Lopes, S. Barbosa, Congresso Brasileiro de Informática da Educação - CBIE 2019.

An Exploratory Analysis of Precedent Relevance in the Brazilian Supreme Court Rulings.  F. A. C.  dos Santos Junior, J. L. Nunes, G. da F. C. Fernades de Almeida, A. A. A. Almeida and H. Lopes, 19th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng), 2019.

Visual exploration tools for ensemble clustering analysis. S. Fiol Gonzalez, A. M. B. Rodrigues, C. Almeida, S. D. J. Barbosa and H. Lopes, 10th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, IVAP 2019.

Bootstrapping Vector Fields. P. Ceccon Ribeiro and H. Lopes, 14th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, GRAPP 2019.

Dealing with heterogeneous Google Earth images on Building Area Detection taskC. Almeida, W. Fernandes, S. D. J. Barbosa and H. Lopes, 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2018.

Inverse projection of vector fields,  P. Ceccon Ribeiro, H. Lopes, XXXII Symposium on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI)  (2018).

Applying Pattern-Driven Maintenance: A Method to Prevent Latent Unhandled Exceptions in Web ApplicationsD. S. Mendonça, T.G. Silva, D. F. Oliveira, S. J. Brandão, H. Lopes, S. D. J. Barbosa, ; M. Kalinowsky, A. Von Staa, ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), p. 1-10 (2018).

A Novel Committee-Based Clustering Method, S. Fiol Gonzalez, C. F. P. Almeida, S. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes, DaWaK 2018 - 20th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, Regensburg. LNCS - Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery. Berlim: Springer  v. 11031. p. 126-136, (2018).

Visual support to filtering cases for process discovery,  L Schirmer, L Q. Campagnolo, S. F. Gonzalez, A. M. B. Rodrigues, G. Schardong, R. França, M. Lana., S. D. J. Barbosa, M. Poggi, H. Lopes, 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS  (2018)  (Selected as one of the best papers for a book on LNCS series).

Mining the Criminal Data of Rio de Janeiro: Analyzing the Impact of the Pacifying Police Units Deployment,  S. F. Gonzalez, C. F. P. Almeida, P. C. L. Souza, S. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes, Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications - 22nd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2017, LNCS 10657, pp. 28-35, (2018).

STAIRWAY TO VALUE: Mining the loan application process, Ariane Rodrigues, Cassio Almeida, Daniel Saraiva, Felipe Moreira, Georges Spyrides, Guilherme Varela, Gustavo Krieger, Igor Peres, Leila Dantas, Mauricio Lana, Odair Alves, Rafael França, Ricardo Neira, Sonia Gonzalez, William Fernandes, Simone Barbosa, Marcus Poggi, and Hélio Lopes, 13th Business Process Intellingence Workshop - BPI Challenge 2017  (WINNER at the Academic Category) (2017).

On computing travel time functions from Trajectory Data Streams,  S. M. Nascimento, J. A. F. de Macedo, H. Lopes, M. A. Casanova, J. de Castro Machado, Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming, IWGS 2017, pp. 11-20 (2017).

CrimeVis: An intereactive visualization system for analyzing criminal data in the State of Rio de Janeiro, L. Schimer Silva, S. F. Gonzalez, C. F. P. Almeida, S. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes, 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS (2017).

An approach to evaluate the impact on travel time of bus network changes, K. Rodriguez, M. A. Casanova,  H. Lopes, J. A. Macedo. 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS (2017).

Multiple Response Nonlinear Regression Applied To Simultaneous Density, Vp And Vs Rock Physics Calibration And Related Statistical AnalysisE. Talarico, A. Maciel, S. D. J. Barbosa, H. Lopes,  S. Pesco. 15th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society & EXPOGEF (2017). 

A heuristic approach for on-line discovery of unidentified spatial clusters from grid-based streaming algorithms, M. Roriz Junior, M. Endler, F. Silva e Silva, M. A. Casanova and H. Lopes, 18th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery - DaWaK (2016).

BusesInRio: buses as mobile traffic sensors, B. Guberfain do Amaral, R. Nasser, M. A. Casanova, H. Lopes, IEEE Mobile Data Management - MDM (2016).

On the design of a traffic observatory application based on bus trajectories, K. Rodriguez, M. A. Casanova, L. A. Paes Leme, H. Lopes, R. Nasser, B. G. do Amaral, 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS (2016).

An Adaptive Implicit Feedback Model for Short Clips Recommendations, R. Pereira, H. Lopes, 2nd  Workshop on Recommendation Systems for Television and Online Video (RecSysTV 2015) at the ACM RecSys (2015).

© daslab - Department of Informatics - PUC-Rio
Tel: 55+21+3527-1500 R:4350
e-mail: lopes at inf dot puc-rio dot br or simone at inf dot pic-rio dot br
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) - Departamento de Informática - Sala 408 RDC
Rua Marquês de São Vicente 225, Gávea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, CEP 22451-900