Defesa de Tese de Doutorado do aluno Fernando Antonio Dantas Gomes Pinto.
Título da tese: Compliance Reasoning on Legal Norms: a logic-based approach
Resumo: Ensuring that a knowledge base with public administration acts contains only facts in accordance with its legislation becomes a challenge for any public manager. To achieve this, given the large volume of data generated by public companies, it is necessary to apply technological resources that assist in the process of analyzing the compliance of these acts. This work presents a computational architecture capable of extracting information published in official gazettes and then serializing it into two knowledge bases, RDF/XML triples of facts and RDF/XML triples of rules formalized in iALC logic, an intuitionistic description logic. To ensure the consistency of this knowledge base, an SAT solver for iALC was developed in the form of an intuitionistic semantic tableau. An extension of the first-order intuitionist tableau presented by Fetting (1960). This SAT solver is part of a module that, in addition to generating models and counter-examples for the compliance rules formalized in iALC, also generates a preliminary query code in SPARQL. This approach allows you to infer and certify the quality of the data available in the RDF/XML knowledge base of facts. To guarantee the quality of our SAT Solver, we carry out the soundness proof. of its rules. To ensure the quality of our logical approach, we built a set of 20 Competency Questions and applied our tool. The results showed the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Edward Hermann Haeusler
Banca: Prof. Dr. Sergio Lifschitz | Prof. Dr. Altigran Soares da Silva | Profª. Drª. Fernanda Araujo Baião | Prof. Dr. Bruno Lopes Vieira | Profª. Drª. Cecilia Reis Englander Lustosa | Prof. Dr. Bruno Cuconato Claro
Assista a defesa presencialmente na sala 511 do RDC