Prof. Kalinowski
Local: FPLF 13º andar
Data/Horário: 12 de novembro de 2014, 16:00 – 18:00
Apresentação 1: “Building Empirical Software Engineering Bodies of
Knowledge with Systematic Knowledge Engineering”
[Context] Empirical software engineering (EMSE) researchers conduct
systematic literature reviews (SLRs) to build bodies of knowledge
(BoKs). Unfortunately, valuable knowledge collected in the SLR process
is publicly available only to a limited extent, which considerably slows
down building BoKs incrementally. [Objective] This presentation
introduces the Systematic Knowledge Engineering (SKE) process to support
building up BoKs from empirical studies efficiently. [Method] SKE is
based on the SLR process and on Knowledge Engineering (KE) practices to
provide a Knowledge Base (KB) with semantic technologies that enable
reusing intermediate data extraction results and querying of empirical
evidence. We evaluated SKE by building a software inspection EMSE BoK KB
from knowledge acquired by controlled experiments. We elicited relevant
queries from EMSE researchers and systematically integrated information
from 30 representative research papers into the KB. [Results] The
resulting KB was effective in answering the queries, enabling knowledge
reuse for analyses beyond the results from the SLR process. [Conclusion]
SKE showed promising results in the software inspection context and
should be evaluated in other contexts for building EMSE BoKs faster.
Apresentação 2: “Towards a Semantic Knowledge Base on Threats to
Validity and Control Actions in Controlled Experiments”
[Context] Experiment planners need to be aware of relevant Threats to
Validity (TTVs), so they can devise effective control actions or accept
the risk. [Objective] The aim of this presentation is to introduce a TTV
knowledge base (KB) that supports experiment planners in identifying
relevant TTVs in their research context and actions to control these
TTVs. [Method] We identified requirements, designed and populated a TTV
KB with data extracted during a systematic review: 63 TTVs and 149
control actions from 206 peer-reviewed published software engineering
experiments. We conducted an initial proof of concept on the feasibility
of using the TTV KB and analyzed its content. [Results] The proof of
concept and content analysis provided indications that experiment
planners can benefit from an extensible TTV KB for identifying relevant
TTVs and control actions in their specific context. [Conclusions] The
TTV KB should be further evaluated and evolved in a variety of software
engineering contexts.
Marcos Kalinowski possui doutorado e mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas
e Computação pela COPPE/UFRJ, na linha de pesquisa Engenharia de
Software. É graduado em Ciência da Computação pela UFRJ. Atualmente é
professor adjunto, em processo de redistribuição para a UFF. Atua com
pesquisas na área de Engenharia de Software, principalmente relacionadas
a Engenharia de Software Experimental e Qualidade de Software [Google
h-Index atual: 10]. Possui ampla experiência em transferência de
tecnologia para a indústria, tendo fornecido serviços especializados,
consultorias e treinamentos para empresas públicas e privadas de
diferentes portes, tanto dentro do país quanto fora. Atua junto ao
programa nacional MPS.BR, onde faz parte da equipe técnica do modelo
(ETM) desde 2008, desempenhando diferentes papéis ao longo dos anos,
incluindo os de coordenador de publicações, coordenador de comunicação e
coordenador do WAMPS (Workshop Anual do MPS.BR). É também avaliador
líder (tendo avaliado dezenas de empresas de diferentes regiões do
país), instrutor e implementador certificado do programa MPS.BR.