
Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado do aluno Matheus Cunha Penso

Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado do aluno Matheus Cunha Penso.

Título da dissertação: Adding elasticity and load balancing to the Context Net Core Gateways for scalable mobile connectivity

Resumo: As IoT increasingly incorporates mobile devices and objects, this also calls for scalable services capable of handling an increasing number of simultaneously connected mobile devices. As a result, the ability to provide reliable, efficient, and highperformance services in a highly mobile environment is crucial to meeting user expectations and driving mass adoption of mobile IoT (IoMT) applications. In this work we designed and implemented a self-scalable architecture for mobile communications using Kubernetes in ContextNet, a home-brewed IoMT distributed middleware, and evaluated the performance of our implementation in different scalability and mobility scenarios.

Orientador: Prof. Dr. Markus Endler

Co-orientador: Prof. Dr Alexandre Malheiros Meslin

Banca: Prof. Dr. Anderson Oliveira da Silva | Prof. Dr. Sérgio Colcher | Prof. Dr. Vitor Pinheiro de Almeida

Assista a defesa pelo link: https://zoom.us/j/7099156117?pwd=VXVxYnQvMjZmdnA1TlRmQmtrUTNrZz09