LIMA, E.S.; FURTADO, A.L. Handling Google snippets with SWI-Prolog. 25 p. Eng. [MCC01/14, PDF, 403KB)
Abstract: We have designed – and implemented in a preliminary version – a tool, named LOG-SNIP, for capturing snippets while performing Google searches for Web resources pertaining to a domain of interest, based on keywords adequate to delimit the domain. The snippets are decomposed into separate fields: name, date, url, info. A kws field is added by extracting resource-specific keywords from the name and info fields. Under the form of a five-field frame structure, the chosen snippets can then be recorded as Prolog clauses, to be subsequently used for all sorts of research purposes. Of particular value is the ability to employ the sets of resource-specific keywords to perform comparisons among the located domain resources. To present one possible application, we implemented a module that translates the stored clauses into the clauses required to run our previously created KWGPS tool.
Veja mais Monografias em Ciência da Computação (MCCs) de 2014.