Título: Simulation in the medical area – the development of a haptic simulator for Spinal Anaesthesia.
Data: 23/maio/2013 (quinta-feira)
Horário: 11h
Local: 511 RDC
The development of simulators for training medical staff demands a high degree collaboration between medical staff, designers and evaluators. The presentation will show the design process from a designers perspective of 3 coherent, but different projects: DBMT – Design-based Medical Training, Project TEL-Medicine and MedCap – Competence Assessment for Spinal Anaesthesia. Understanding the medical procedure, technological obstacles and assessment of the learning effect created the biggest difficulties.
Annette Aboulafia holds a Master of Science and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Copenhagen University. She also holds a Teacher certificat for primary and sedundary shools.
She has been Associate Professor at University of Roskilde (DK), and a visiting Professor at Copenhagen University for many years. During the years 2004-2010 she was a Senior Research Scholar at the Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick, Ireland, and recently a consultant at the NDRC (National Digital Research Centre), Dublin. Currently, she is an active member of the Medical Educational Forum, School of Medicine, University of Cork, Ireland, and serves as an external examinar in a number of Universities in Denmark in the fields of cognitive, pedagogical, and developmental psychology.
Since 1990 she has been involved in 8 large EU projects in the area of work psychology, human-computer interaction (HCI), computer-mediated learning. Most recently she was involved in the EU KALEIDOSCOPE Network of Excellence in Technology-enhanced Learning, and in a number of project in the area of Medical simulation: the DBMT project, the MedCap project (Competence Assessment for Spinal Anaesthesia and the HAYSTACK project (A simulation tool for the training and assessment of competence in peripheral nerve blockade) (2009-2011).