
Palestra em 30/out às 11h na sala 511 RDC – Building Human-Error Tolerant Systems through Systematic Analysis and Refinement of Tasks Descriptions – Dr. Célia Martinie e Dr. Philippe Palanque

Título: Building Human-Error Tolerant Systems through Systematic Analysis and Refinement of Tasks Descriptions
Local: sala 511 RDC
Data: sexta-feira, 30/out/2015
Horário: 11h-12h30

Resumo: Task models produced from task analysis, are a very important element of UCD approaches as they provide support for describing users goals and users activities, allowing human factors specialists to ensure and assess the effectiveness of interactive applications. As user errors are not part of a user goal they are usually omitted from tasks descriptions. However, in the field of Human Reliability Assessment, task descriptions (including task models) are central artefacts for the analysis of human errors. Several methods (such as HET, CREAM and HERT) require task models in order to systematically analyze all the potential errors and deviations that may occur. However, during this systematic analysis, potential human errors are gathered and record-ed separately and not connected to the task models. Such non integration brings issues such as completeness (i.e. ensuring that all the potential human errors have been identified) or combined errors identification (i.e. identifying deviations resulting from a combination of errors). We argue that repre-senting human errors explicitly and systematically within task models con-tributes to the design and evaluation of error-tolerant interactive system. However, as demonstrated in the paper, existing task modeling notations, even those used in the methods mentioned above, do not have a sufficient expressive power to allow systematic and precise description of potential human errors. Based on the analysis of existing human error classifications, we propose several extensions to existing task modelling techniques to represent explicitly all the types of human error and to support their systematic task-based identification. These extensions are integrated within the tool-supported notation called HAMSTERS and are illustrated on a case study from the avionics domain.

Short Bios:

Dr. Célia Martinie is lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Toulouse 3. She has been involved in research projects dealing with techniques and tools to analyse, design and develop interactive critical systems (such as satellite ground segment applications, flight deck applications and air traffic management systems). She also applied the notations and tools to mobile games through the EU-funded project FlyHigher (www.flyhigher.eu). She joined the University of Toulouse in 2009 and previously worked for 8 years at Motorola Mobile Devices on the design and development of embedded services and innovative technologies for mobile systems.

Dr. Philippe Palanque is Professor in Computer Science at the University Toulouse 3. He has worked extensively in the field of air traffic control for many years including a 2-year secondment with CENA (the former French researcher center on Air Traffic Management). He has been involved in several research projects developing tools for the specification of real-time interactive systems, addressing validation and certification issues of new interactive cockpits of aircraft including A380, A400M and Boeing 787.