Título: An Integrative and Practical Approach for Software Architectures
Palestrante: Manfred Nagl, Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University
Data e horário: 16/abril/2013 às 13h
Local: 511 RDC
For modeling Software Architectures there exist many, nearly disjoint approaches in the literature: OO and UML, dataflow architectures in the embedded community, different architecture styles, architectures in data base systems / information management systems, and architectures in the modularity community.
The talk gives arguments and ideas for an integrative approach which tries to incorporate all above and different approaches.
Especially, an architecture modeling approach has to be applicable for practical problems as reverse engineering, reengineering, and maintenance in general, where the latter often means extension, distribution, and integration of existing systems.
The architecture approach unifies good ideas, all coming from programming languages: functional and data abstraction, object and type units, locality, layers within architectures, classification and similarities, subsystems, and genericity.
It, especially, points out that there is not only one but a series of architectures, from an abstract form to a concrete one, the latter describing the delivered system to a customer.
O prof. Manfred Nagl é Dr.-Ing Computer Science pela University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (1974). Fez a sua “Habilitation in Computer Science” na University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (1979). Foi professor Titular na RWTH Aachen University de 1986 a 2009, atualmente é professor Emérito nesta mesma universidade. Entre seus interesses de pesquisa figuram: Theory, Practical Applications, and Implementation of Graph Rewriting; Nonstandard Database Systems for Tools; Programming Languages; Software Architectures; Software Development Environments; Standard Architectures of Interactive Systems. Publicou 5 livros, foi editor ou coeditor de 20 livros. Publicou mais de 70 artigos. Orientou cerca de 50 teses de doutorado e 300 dissertações de mestrado.