Title: Unsupervised Method for Video Action Segmentation Through Spatio-Temporal and Positional-Encoded Embedding
Venue: ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (2022)
Authors: Guilherme de A. P. Marques, Antonio José G. Busson, Álan Lívio V. Guedes, Julio Cesar Duarte, Sérgio Colcher
Abstract: Action segmentation consists of temporally segmenting a video and labeling each segmented interval with a specific action label. In this work, we propose a novel action segmentation method that requires no prior video analysis and no annotated data. Our method involves extracting spatio-temporal features from videos using a pre-trained deep network. Data is then transformed using a positional encoder, and finally a clustering algorithm is applied, where each produced cluster presumably corresponds to a different single and distinguishable action. In experiments, we show that our method produces competitive results on the Breakfast and Inria Instructional Videos dataset benchmarks.
More in: https://doi.org/10.1145/3524273.3528187
Categorias: Sem categoria