Prof. Andres Diaz-Pace, especialista em arquitetura de software
*Tutorial title: A roadmap of architecture-centric design techniques*
*Talk title: Text mining techniques for identifying crosscutting concerns in requirements and architecture documents*
Data 21/05/2014 16:00h Tutorial e 17:20h Palestra sala RDC511
*Bio:* From 2007 to 2010, Andres Diaz-Pace was a member of the technical staff at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI, Pittsburgh, USA), with the Research, Technology, and System Solutions Program. He is currently a professor at UNICEN University (Tandil, Argentina), and also a research fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET). His primary research interests are: quality-driven architecture design, AI techniques in design, architecture-based evolution and conformance. He has authored several publications on topics of design assistance and object-oriented frameworks. He also participated, as an architecture evaluator or as a lead architect, in several technology transfer projects with industry. Mr. Diaz-Pace received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from UNICEN University in 2004. Contact him at <>