
Seminário da Pós: “IDEs as the Bridge: Connecting Humans and Code”

Dia 05/07, às 15h, acontecerá o seminário “IDEs as the Bridge: Connecting Humans and Code“, proferido pela professora Sandeep Kaur Kuttal (NCSU, United States)

Seminário da Pós: “IDEs as the Bridge: Connecting Humans and Code”

Resumo do Seminário: In the ever-evolving world of software development, human factors play a pivotal role in shaping how individuals engage in programming activities and, subsequently, how Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) should cater to human needs. This talk delves into the intricate interplay between human expertise, gender, and the programming process, highlighting their profound impact on tasks such as code creation, foraging, reuse, and debugging. We will discuss: (1) the influence of gender and expertise-aware approaches on code development and their implications for software engineering practices, emphasizing the significance of diversity and inclusion in technology; and (2) Human-AI interaction with conversational agents, their effects on programmers and coding workflows, and ways to enhance collaboration and productivity. Our focus will center on IDEs as the critical interface between humans and code.

Conheça o Professor: Sandeep Kaur Kuttal is an Associate Professor at The North Carolina State University, where she directs the Human-Centric Software Engineering Lab. Her research combines Human-Computer Interaction, Software Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence. She focuses on the human aspects of software engineering by studying and modeling programmer behavior and then designing and developing mixed-initiative programmer-computer systems. Sandeep is a recent recipient of the NSF CAREER and AFOSR YIP awards. She has received a best paper award at ACM CHI, best paper at ACM/IEEE ICGSE, and an honorable mention at ACM CHI. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Computer Languages and acted as chair or program committee member at CHI, VL/HCC, HCII, ICSE, FSE, ASE, ICST, ICSME, CHASE, ICPC, and IUI. She is passionate about diversity and inclusion.

O Seminário será na sala 511 do RDC, e será transmitido ao vivo, via YouTube, pelo canal do DI.


Para maiores informações sobre o conteúdo e como acompanhá-lo, acesse: https://youtube.com/live/EYiRW5J4LI8