| Computer LabsDepartment of Informatics - PUC-Rio

Computer Labs

Mission: To provide a computational environment that meets the computational practice needs of the disciplines linked to the DI, the Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Information Systems courses.

Mission: Provide a computational environment that allows the development of works, dissertations and theses of ID students and research activities.

Mission: To provide a computational environment for the research tasks of the Department of Informatics faculty and students.

Main services provided

  • Connectivity of IT Department subnets. (DI Backbone) The IT Department has several laboratories, each with its own internal networks. It is Lab-DI’s responsibility to integrate all DI subnets with each other and with the Internet through the PUC-Rio exit point. Lab-DI is also responsible for defining and implementing the logical security policy.
  • Department’s WWW server. Lab-DI is responsible for configuring and maintaining the IT Department’s WWW server. Department FTP Server. Lab-DI is responsible for configuring and maintaining the IT
  • Department’s FTP server. Email: lab-di@inf.puc-rio.br web site: http://suporte.inf.puc-rio.br

e-mail: lab-di@inf.puc-rio.br
web site: http://suporte.inf.puc-rio.br