Nucleus of Technological Innovation

IDEIAS-SERG is a multidisciplinary research and development laboratory at the Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio. Founded in 2019, IDEIAS-SERG resulted from the merger of two older groups, IDEIAS (founded in 2010) and SERG (founded in 1996). IDEIAS-SERG is led by Profs. Simone D.J. Barbosa and Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza. Their research interests include Semiotics, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, End-User Development, and Human-Centric Computing.
SERG (1996-2019), Semiotic Engineering Research Group, has graduated 32 Master’s and 29 D.Sc.’s (who have worked in universities and research centers). Its researchers have published, in addition to hundreds of scientific articles, 5 international books and 1 national book (reference for HCI in Brasil), which made SERG into an international center of reference on Computational Semiotics. For their work, SERG’s senior researchers have received five international awards and distinctions (including 2 from ACM and 2 from IFIP) and two national awards (including Scientific Merit from the Brazilian Computer Society). IDEIAS (2010-2019) has graduated 17 Master’s and 6 D.Sc.’s. In 2020, its founder received the award Carreira de Destaque em IHC (CEIHC-SBC). She is general co-chair of the most prominent international conference on human-computer interaction, ACM CHI 2022.
IDEIAS-SERG has collaborated with other labs at PUC-Rio — in particular, daslab, ExACTa, LES, Tecgraf, and Telemídia — and with companies that develop interactive digital technology.
IDEIAS-SERG provides training and consulting services on design and evaluation of user interfaces, interactions, and user experience, as well as in information visualization and visual analytics — often applying results from our graduate students’ thesis and dissertation research.
Some information about IDEIAS-SERG in Portuguese can be found in the Diretório dos Grupos de Pesquisa do CNPq.