

We are a Venture Builder that helps entrepreneurs develop technology products. When joining a business, AevoTech starts to represent its technology department, providing an interim CTO, co-developing the product, developing and maintaining the software systems, and supporting the operation from a technology point of view. This model is suitable for startups whose idea has already been validated and seeks to develop their market version; and R&D projects that aim to transform into market products through a spin-off. AevoTech has 10+ years of experience working with companies of different sizes in different segments, from startups in their foundation to large corporations in innovation projects (R&DI). The company has always had a close relationship with academia, providing an environment for ID students to apply their research results in real market projects, and on the other hand, having state-of-the-art technologies to apply in solutions. The company's strongest areas of computing are Software Engineering, Distributed Systems and Software Quality; influenced by founder Thiago Araújo (PhD in 2014), who was directly influenced by his advisor and mentor, prof. Arndt von Staa.

Year of establishment



Thiago Araújo (Doutor pela PUC-Rio - 2014), Roberto Maia e João Pedro Fabris




