
Adriano Branco

Professor Agregado

Short Bio

Adriano Branco is an electronic engineer with a PhD in informatics. He works as a professor, researcher and mentor in technological innovation programs. With extensive experience in systems design consulting, he currently focuses on the IoT area combining the areas of electronics and computer science.


Adriano Branco is a professor, researcher and mentor in technological innovation programs. Specializing in distributed systems, he focuses his research on IoT and wireless sensor networks. Has experience teaching and developing IoT, embedded systems and wireless communication for small devices. Adriano has extensive experience in systems integration consulting, working with functional analysis, systems development, systems architecture and project management. He is currently a professor in the Department of Informatics at PUC Rio and associated with the ExACTa and Gist initiatives of the Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio and Tecgraf at PUC-Rio. He also acts as a mentor at aFuturoLab, an innovation program in partnership between PUC-Rio and Americanas S.A. He worked for one year in a postdoctoral position at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) at Politecnico di Milano. He also served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio for two years. After that, he acted as mentor of the Technological Innovation Program in the ECOA/LES initiative. He
also coordinated and taught classes in the IoT class of the specialization course in Digital Technology, both at PUC-Rio. Adriano Branco earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2015 and his master's degree in 2011 at PUC-Rio. He received a top 10 scholarship from FAPERJ during his doctorate. Graduated in Electronic Engineering from CEFET/RJ in 1992. Before graduating in electronics, he was an electronics technician at the beginning of his career, supporting digital board development projects and coordinating technical maintenance laboratories and production tests. Since graduation, he has worked as an electronic engineer and systems developer at CBPF/CNPq (Brazil) and CERN (Switzerland). At CPBF, in the LAFEX laboratory, he worked on the parallel computer program for the Fermilab collaboration group. At CERN, he worked for two years on the Trigger project for the Delphi/LEP experiment. After that, he worked for over 12 years on systems integration consulting projects for large companies, mainly in the Steel and Telecommunications industries, including an international project in Manila/Philippines.