Marcelo Gattass
Full Professor

Short Bio
Prof. Marcelo Gattass is a Full Professor of the DI and Director of Instituto Tecgraf of PUC-Rio. With a degree in Engineering, he is focused on the development of applied computer science. He is one of the pioneers of Computer Graphics in Brazil and plays an important role in the relationship between PUC-Rio and Petrobras and the energy sector in the country.
Curriculo Lattes
Laboratory Collaborator
Productivity Grants
CNPq Level 1A
Director of Tecgraf/PUC-Rio Institute
+55 21 3527-1500 ext. 4358
516 RDC
Professor at PUC-Rio since 1992 and director of the Tecgraf Institute, Dr. Marcelo Gattass research focuses on Computer Graphics, and specifically in the following areas: Visualization, Numerical Simulation, Augmented Reality, Geometric Modeling and Computational Vision. In addition, he applies these areas to
projects on his lab, helping professionals from various sectors, such as medicine and oil engineering, to tackle their problems. Dr. Gattass holds an undergraduate degree (1975) and a master's degree (1977) in Civil Engineering from PUC-Rio and a Ph.D. degree (1982) in Civil Engineering from Cornell University, USA.