Markus Endler
Associate Professor
Short Bio
Prof. Markus Endler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Informatics and coordinator of the Laboratory for Advanced Collaboration (LAC) at PUC-Rio. He works in the area of Distributed Systems and, more specifically, works with middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Computing. Most of his research has an important applied component and results in software helping in the development of applications for these areas. He has collaborated with several national and foreign groups, and developed projects with companies such as Microsoft Research, CPqD, Boeing, and Petrobras.
Curriculo Lattes
Productivity Grants
CNPq Level 2
Coordinator and main researcher at the Laboratory for Advanced Collaboration (LAC)
+55 21 3527-1500 ext. 4309
Room 503, RDC
An Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics (since 2001), Dr. Markus Endler works in the area of Distributed Systems, working with the development of middleware for Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Adaptive Software and the Internet of Things. He holds a bachelor's Degree in Mathematics (1984) and a master's Degree in Computer Science (1987) from PUC-Rio, and a PhD in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat.) in Computer Science from Technische Universität Berlin in 1992. After his doctorate he worked for seven years at IME/USPm, where he founded and coordinated the LCPD laboratory,
before fulfilling his dream and coming to work, in 2001, in what he considers the "best and most representative" computer department in Brazil. In 2002 he founded the Laboratory for Advanced Collaboration (LAC), of which he is the coordinator and main researcher. At LAC he coordinates projects focused on Mobile and Pervasive Computing, distributed systems with mobility, scalable distributed middleware, context science, mobile collaboration, sensors, Complex Event Processing, data stream analysis and pervasive social networks, having partnerships with major companies like Microsoft, Oi and Boeing.