
Sérgio Lifschitz

Associate Professor

Short Bio

Prof. Sérgio Lifschitz is an Associate Professor of the DI and Coordinator of BioBD, where he works on databases for bioinformatics. He research has emphasis on autonomous computing and systems contemplating self-tuning and self-management, and data management tools and systems for applications in bioinformatics.

Laboratory Collaborator

Productivity Grants

CNPq Level 2




+55 21 3527-1500 ext. 4346


+55 21 3527-1500 ext. 4346



Associate Professor at PUC-Rio, Dr. Sérgio Lifschitz's research focuses on databases. His main area of application is Bioinformatics, conducting research in the BioBD laboratory. In this environment he focuses only on research, forming partnerships with major institutes in the area, such as the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz). Besides
research, Dr. Lifsschitz also develops projects in parallel with other areas, not limited to the scientific field. He graduated in Electrical Engineering (1986), obtained a master’s degree in the same area from PUC-Rio (1987) and obtained his doctorate in Computer Science at École Nationale Supérieure des Telécommunications (ENST Paris) in 1994.