
Valeria de Paiva

Founder, Topos Institute, Berkeley


When all is said and done, what's left, what stays, from being human, is Logic. Logic removes all the flesh and ornaments, and gives us the underlying bones of what we know. Whether it intends to do so or not, logic turns out to be a moral compass. We overlook it at our own peril, as Logic is even more inexorable than taxes and death.
Logic Ambassador

I am a Mathematician and AI Research Scientist, interested in NLP and Inference and all kinds of semantics. Once upon a time I finished my Ph.D. under the direction of Martin Hyland, and my thesis can be found here. On this page you can find my research interests, my contact information, a curriculum vitae and a resume for me. My Wikipedia page is Valeria de Paiva. I am very keen on making sure that women are not short-changed
in their professional lives. For that I maintain a facebook group Women in Logic, a blog Women in Logic, I help with the ACM-W Scholarship program and I initiated and help to organize the Workshop Women in Logic, since 2017. Check a collection of women logicians at this spreadsheet and our data collection effort on Invited speakers in this one.